Women in Construction

Women in Construction

These days, Blerta Ziba and Xiaolei Chen are skilled operators on forklifts and backholes following courses with the Training Alliance Group.

Both are hoping to gain jobs in the civil construction and warehousing sectors.

Ms Ziba, who has now racked up five tickets with TAG including Civil Construction, said the courses had opened up a lot of career paths.

“It has provided me with the possibility of a career in civil construction, something I never thought I would do,” she said.

Ms Chen, who is completing TAG’s Logistics Skillset, said she wanted to take a different career path.

“I had been working in the cleaning and hospitality industries and wanted to try something new,” she said.

Both said that their trainers, such as Mark Bullimore (pictured) were excellent at setting them at ease and making them feel comfortable.

TAG Director Bala Suppiah said local businesses were expanding rapidly on the back of surging consumer confidence.

“This is resulting in skills shortages across a range of sectors, particularly in the areas of civil construction, health care and hospitality,” he said.

“Businesses needed to open the talent pool wider.”

Both trainees and Mr Suppiah were featured recently in The West Australian Newspaper in the article Big-bank economists say confidence nears record high.

Find out more about our upcoming RTO courses.