Parents Prepare for the Workforce

Parents Prepare for the Workforce

Training Alliance Group (TAG) supports parents throughout Western Australia into future careers by providing specialist training as part of the ParentsNext program.
Funded by the Australian Government and delivered by TAG under a subcontract with Stirling Skills Training, ParentsNext helps parents and carers develop skills and confidence in preparation to either return to the workforce or seek employment by the time their youngest child turns six.
Since undertaking the ParentsNext program, Zainab Kamara, 21, has gained employment with an aged care provider.
At the time she began the program in 2019, Zainab was half way through completing Year 12 at Balga High School. She was part of the teen parent centre which allowed her to study and visit her daughter at recess and lunch breaks.
Zainab completed Year 12 and enrolled in the Certificate IV Preparation Nursing at TAFE in 2020 but struggled with balancing the demands on her time.
She and her TAG Engagement Officer discussed different study options in the health care industry and Zainab enrolled in a certificate III Individual Support Aged Care at Stanley College’s Mirrabooka campus. She went on to complete a work placement at Meath Care in Como and enjoyed working in the sector.
Rhinanna Tangshabani, 25, was working in promotion and events until the introduction of COVID-19 restrictions and cancellation of public events in 2020.
Rhianna began TAG’s Certificate III in Business. She completed this program and is about to begin a Certificate IV in Allied Health.
As this is full time study, she is being assisted with child care and with seeking employment which hopefully combines her skills in business and allied health.
Stirling Skills Training has administered the ParentsNext program for more than two years in six locations including Morley, Mirrabooka, Clarkson, Joondalup, Osborne Park, Midland and Ellenbrook.

Find out more about our ParentsNext program.